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Straighten Up and Fly Right, Inc_

 After-school Express Program 


 SUFR's After-school Express program (AEP) is designed to empower students from Kindergarten through 8th grade scholastically and nutritionally. By helping students improve their academic performance, stay in school through high school graduation, prepare for higher education and meaningful careers, and expand leadership and social skills. They are taught by trained volunteer role models from the local community - including business professionals, parents, and college students by using professionally designed and rigorously evaluated curriculum materials. An addition to scholastic education we offer health and wellness classes for youth and teens ages 6-14. Our programs help youth to develop healthy exercise and wellness habits that will help them maintain a healthier lifestyle as they grow.   Our program also promote healthy lifestyles and we encourage the youth to share their experiences with their families.

Programs are typically presented by SUFR’s volunteers for 30 minutes to 1 hour every Tuesday and Thursday for twenty –five weeks.


AEP  gives students the opportunity to practice cooperation, teamwork, decision-making, and leadership skills through numerous exciting hands-on activities. The programs fully correlate with state educational content standards.


Program Duration: Tuesday and Thursday!


Time: 6pm-7:30pm

For More information please contact 757-537-4511or email us at

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